Ohio Nursing Homes Ranked
The Ohio Department of Aging sent out a survey in 2017 to residents in all of Ohio’s 961 nursing homes. Overall, there were 19,396 long-term participants and 3,419 short-term participants, adding up to 22,815 total resident surveys taken.
The review, called the Long-Term Care Resident Satisfaction Survey, measures a variety of issues and is aimed to gain insight on residents perception of their quality of care as well as their overall quality of life in each facility.
This survey allowed the Department of Aging to rank Ohio nursing homes in order of satisfaction coming straight from the source- the residents.
The highest ranking a nursing home could score was 100 points. The statewide average for overall satisfaction landed at 77.8 points, with 97.5 being the highest score recorded and 54.08 being the lowest recorded score.
Residents were surveyed on seven different areas including:
- Moving In
- Spending Time
- Care and Services
- Caregivers
- Meals and Dining
- Environment
- Facility Culture
Moving In
Statewide Average Score: 86.8 / 100
The “Moving In” section of the Satisfaction Survey touched on things like, “Did you feel warmly welcomed as a new resident?” and “Were you given enough help to learn how things work here?”. This portion involved solely the move-in process and the beginning stages of adjustment for new residents.
Spending Time
Statewide Average Score: 71.0 / 100
The “Spending Time” portion of the survey looked at what residents do on a daily basis and whether or not they were satisfied with their activities and level of engagement. Questions like, “Do you usually enjoy how you spend your time?”, “Does the nursing home provide enjoyable things to do on the weekends?”, and “Do you have something to look forward to most days?” were included in the survey and told a lot about how some seniors are treated at lower-ranked facilities. As the second lowest scoring category in the survey, this indicates there may a problem in many facilities with how residents perceive their quality of life based on the activities and ways they’re able to spend their time.
Care and Services
Statewide Average Score: 86.8 / 100
In the “Care and Services” section, residents were asked questions relating to their daily routines, goal setting, and how employees have (or have not) aided them in their progress. Some questions included were, “Did (Do) the therapists help you set goals?”, “Are your preferences about daily routines carried out?”, and “Do the people who work here give you enough time to do the things you can do for yourself?”
Statewide Average Score: 79.2 / 100
One of the most detailed categories, the “Caregivers” portion of the survey asked questions relating to the quality and quantity of care given to residents. Things like, “Do the people who work here ever get angry at you?”, “Are the people who work here knowledgeable about your medical conditions and treatments?”, and “Do the people who work here check on you often enough to see if you need anything?” were important indicators of resident satisfaction and showed alarming ratings at many of the facilities. Because understaffing is a large issue in nursing homes and senior facilities, this category went more in-depth to inspect the safety and wellness of all residents. Gentleness, rapid response, and consistent care were all touched on in this section of the survey.
Meals and Dining
Statewide Average Score: 66.1 / 100
The “Meals and Dining” portion of the survey had the lowest statewide average, scoring a mere 66.1/100 points. Included in this section were questions like, “Do you have input into the food that is served?”, “Does the menu change often enough?”, and “Do you like the food here?”. Malnutrition is one of the biggest problems seniors face in nursing homes and facilities, so a low score indicates an issue in the way residents are being fed and nourished.
Statewide Average Score: 87.8 / 100
Of all seven categories, the “Environment” portion had the highest statewide average at 87.8/100 points. Questions included in this section were things like, “Do you feel you have enough privacy?”, “Can you find a place to be alone when you want to be alone?”, and “Do you feel safe here?”
Facility Culture
Statewide Score: 77.4 / 100
Ranking third to last, the “Facility Culture” section dealt with topics relating to the overall relationship climate of the facility. Questions like, “Are you friends with anyone who lives here?”, “Do the people who work here seem happy to work here?”, and “Do you feel included in life here?” were asked to residents- indicating that for many seniors, their relationships are lacking and their perception of unification throughout the facility is poor. Also included in this portion were questions dealing with how residents felt about having a say in their care decisions and whether or not they felt comfortable to speak up about things they didn’t like or agree with. As the third lowest ranking category, this implies that many facilities have some major things to improve upon to increase their satisfaction ranking.
The Results
Combining the results of the Ohio Department of Aging’s Long-Term Care Resident Satisfaction Survey and the Families for Better Care’s Nursing Home Report Card, there is clearly room for improvement in Ohio facilities. If you or a loved one has fallen victim to wrongful death, wandering and elopement, understaffing, or another form of nursing home negligence, contact our experienced nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers today.
To view all Ohio nursing home rankings, click here.
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