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Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers

Gain Peace of Mind, Get the Guardians on Your Side

Guiding Survivors & Families After Life-Changing Injuries

By Your Side Every Step of The Way.

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Sustaining head trauma is a life-altering event. Brain injuries impact physical and mental abilities, emotions and personality, as well as create financial distress. You could need rehabilitation or need to relearn skills for daily activities after an injury. The brain injury lawyers at Tittle & Perlmuter are aware of how disastrous head trauma can be, and how hard it is to recover. 1.7 million people suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) every year.

However, if your TBI resulted from the negligence of a doctor or in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, you should contact the experienced personal injury attorneys with our firm as soon as possible. Our team is ready to hold the negligent party accountable and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Traumatic Brain Injury Case Results

Real Results from Real Brain Injury Victims.

What are Traumatic Brain Injuries?

A Hidden Life-Changing Injury.

Traumatic brain injury lawyers at Tittle & Perlmuter have experience in handling a broad range of brain jury cases, including those involving TBIs. 

A TBI is a distinct type of brain injury that can occur any time sudden physical damage happens to the brain – this can be from an individual’s head hitting an object forcefully or something passing through the skull and piercing the brain. While car accidents can cause most traumatic brain injuries, they can also occur anytime the head is struck.

Traumatic brain injuries can cause a host of problems including:

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The Long Term Impact of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Life May Never Look the Same.

If you’ve suffered a TBI in Ohio, you’re likely aware of the immediate challenges – headaches, dizziness, confusion, etc. But what about the long-term effects? A TBI can significantly impact your life for months, years, or even a lifetime. Here’s a look at how TBIs can change your:

  • Thinking and Memory: Difficulty concentrating, remembering things, and planning can become everyday struggles. You might experience short-term memory loss, or have trouble following conversations.
  • Work and Education: Returning to work or school can be difficult after a TBI. You may struggle to learn new things, keep up with deadlines, or manage complex tasks.
  • Emotions and Behavior: TBIs can lead to anxiety, depression, and personality changes. You might become easily frustrated, irritable, or withdrawn.
  • Physical Abilities: Balance problems, dizziness, and fatigue are common long-term effects of TBIs. In severe cases, paralysis or other physical limitations may occur.

Head Trauma Due to Oxygen Deprivation

When Lack of Oxygen Results in Cognitive Dysfunction.

The brain needs a continuous flow of oxygen. If not, brain tissue will die. When this occurs, you may hear two medical terms from doctors – anoxia or hypoxia. An anoxic brain injury occurs when there is a total lack of oxygen getting to the brain, while a hypoxic brain injury occurs when there is a partial lack of oxygen to the brain. 

As a general rule, the less oxygen the brain received, the more severe the harm to the brain will result.

When one suffers from head trauma due to a lack of oxygen to the brain, serious impairments, such as cognitive dysfunction can result. Unfortunately, these types of injuries can be caused from medical malpractice. 

Some common ways one can suffer a brain damage due to a lack of oxygen in the context of medical malpractice are as follows:

If oxygen is cut off to the brain for five minutes, brain cells can begin to die. When the lack of oxygen lasts longer, it can cause a coma, seizures, and even death.

As you can imagine, brain hypoxia and anoxia are medical emergencies that need treatment immediately – the sooner medical attention is received and oxygen is restored to the brain, the better recovery the patient will have. While some patients can recover from these brain injuries, the determining factor is usually the length of time the brain went without oxygen.

Brain Injury Symptoms to Watch For

An Urgent Diagnosis Could Save a Life.

Despite making a recovery, a person who has suffered a brain injury due to lack of oxygen to the brain might suffer from a long list of symptoms. While all stem from cognitive deficits, the major issues are as follows:

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Some common physical deficits are:

Download Our Free Ohio Brain Injury Symptom Checklist

Sustaining head trauma is a life-altering event because brain injuries can impact all areas of your life. Often, these injuries go undetected or may not show up on typical imaging. You can look at someone with a traumatic brain injury and think they look completely fine, but in reality, they have suffered a traumatic injury that has severely impaired their life. Our TBI Symptom Checklist can help you learn the most common traumatic brain injury symptoms.

Why It's Important to Get a Brain Scan

Diagnose Brain Damage with Cutting-Edge Imaging.

If you’ve suffered a head injury, you might be facing a hidden battle. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can cause significant damage that isn’t always readily visible. Here at Tittle & Perlmuter, we understand the importance of getting a clear picture of your injury. Brain scans are powerful tools that can help us achieve just that.

Brain scans provide objective evidence of brain damage caused by a head injury. This evidence is crucial for:

There are different types of brain scans available. At Tittle & Perlmuter, we highly recommend getting a Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) scan, which is a new technology that is not as readily available as other types of scans. If you are unsure of where to turn to secure a DTI scan, call us at (216) 222-2222, and we can help connect you. To learn more about DTI scans, read our blog!

TBI Frequently Asked Questions

The Answers You Need to Guide You Through Your TBI Claim.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can happen as a result of car accidents, semi-truck crashes, medical malpractice or negligence, or some other type of accident. 1.7 million people in the United States suffer traumatic brain injuries every year.

Traumatic brain injury symptoms are very similar to a concussion because a concussion is a type of brain injury. Common TBI symptoms include headaches, vomiting, and dizziness. If you experience these symptoms you need to seek medical attention immediately because you could have a brain bleed causing the brain to swell. If a brain bleed is not addressed with the proper medical treatment, it could lead to death. A lack of oxygen to the brain could result in one-sided paralysis, weakness of the limbs, or long-term and short-term memory loss.

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, contact an experienced attorney.

Losses after a traumatic brain injury can be significant, especially when it’s caused through a car accident or someone’s negligence. In handling these cases, we have seen survivors lose promotions at work. Sometimes, family members have to stop working to care for their injured loved one around the clock. Many times, key accomplishments or milestones are put on hold due to these catastrophic injuries.

Traumatic Brain Injuries are notoriously difficult to diagnose.

MRIs and CT scans can sometimes pick up brain bleeds or massive brain hemorrhages, but often they will miss a TBI. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is a new cutting-edge technology that can help diagnose brain injuries. It is a promising method for characterizing microstructural changes or differences with neuropathology and treatment.

Unfortunately, this testing is limited in Ohio, so if you think you’ve suffered a brain injury as a result of a car accident or medical malpractice (headaches, dizziness, light sensitivity), give us a call. We can help guide you to make sure you get the right testing.

If your loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, support is crucial. We recommend these resources in Ohio:


For more information on your legal rights after suffering a TBI from a negligent party, contact our office.


There are three main phases of a brain injury:

  1. Acute Phase: the initial hospital treatment you receive as a result of your brain injury
  2. Sub-Acute Phase: this involves different kinds of therapy such as physical, occupational, and cognitive
  3. Chronic Phase: relearning routines and establishing a lifestyle with a permanent brain injury


If you or a loved one have suffered a traumatic brain injury, we are here to help provide you with resources and support.

Medical Malpractice Brain Injuries

When Medical Professionals Fail You.

When a doctor or medical professional fails to follow the rules all other medical providers respect, you or your loved one could suffer a brain injury as a result of their medical malpractice. When you go to the hospital, you entrust your health to the medical staff. 

A brain injury caused by hospital or physician negligence, error, or mistake can change your life in a blink of an eye. Our medical malpractice attorneys are ready to hear your story and fight for you.

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Brain Injuries from Motor Vehicle Accidents

When an Accident Changes Your Life Split-Second.

What happens to your brain when you are involved in an automobile accident? Being involved in an accident caused by a motor vehicle (car, motorcycle, truck, etc.) can cause a wide spectrum of injuries, ranging from a mild concussion to permanent brain damage.

When you are in an accident caused by a negligent driver, your brain can crash around inside your skull. This causes bruising, bleeding or tearing of the nerve fibers. Even if someone seems fine and aware immediately after an accident, the brain can experience delayed trauma in the form of swelling. 

When your brain swells, it pushes against your skull, which can reduce the flow of oxygen from the blood to the brain.

Motor vehicle accidents cause other brain injuries, including:

Traumatic Brain Injury Client Testimonials

The Tittle & Perlmuter Difference.

Other Types of Brain Injuries Caused by Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice Can Cause Permanent Damage.

In addition to brain injuries as a result of lack of oxygen, medical malpractice can cause additional brain injuries, such as the following:

Brain injuries are conditions that need to be addressed immediately before they cause permanent brain damage. In addition to hypoxia, common brain injuries associated with medical malpractice are mentioned below:

Download Our Free Ohio Brain Injury Guide

Are you a caretaker for a traumatic brain injury survivor? Ohio Brain Injury Lawyer, Allen Tittle, has shared valuable resources to support you and your loved one. From the Ohio Brain Injury Association to local resources like Metro Health and Hanson House, there are options to help navigate this challenging journey. Remember, caring for a TBI survivor can also take a toll on you. Download our free Tips for Handling TBIs and feel free to reach out for support.

Get the Guardians on Your Side

Fighting for TBI Victims' Quality of Life.

Turn 2 Tittle & Perlmuter | (216) 222-2222

Medical and driving negligence can result in traumatic brain injuries, so our lawyers fight to get the victims the restitution they deserve. Brain injuries cause irreparable damages that affect you for the rest of your life. 

If you or a loved one suffered a head trauma as a result of the negligence of a doctor, hospital, medical professional, or driver of a vehicle, the brain injury lawyers at Tittle & Perlmuter can help. We are ready to hear your case and advise you on your course of action as you adjust to life after your injury. We are available on weeknights and weekends, and we can come to you.

DO NOT WAIT to act! From the very first moment you pick up the phone and call us, our TBI lawyers will guide you through the entire process and fight with everything in our power to earn you the maximum financial compensation you are entitled to. 

There is NO FEE until we WIN so you have nothing more to lose and everything to gain by grabbing your phone and calling us now!

Read More: Recent Traumatic Brain Injury Blogs

Additional Resources to Educate, Equip, and Empower.