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Debunking the Most Common Personal Injury Claim Myths

personal injury claim

Filing a personal injury claim is essential for getting the compensation you deserve after an incident causing you serious injury. However, there are many myths out there that cause people to hesitate about whether they should file in the first place. Don’t let these myths stop you from obtaining a personal injury lawyer. If you’re wondering whether filing your personal injury claim is worth filing, then read on as we debunk the three most common myths.

You’ll Have to Go to Court

The thought of going to court can be scary. You may also think that going to court will be time-consuming and inconvenient. However, in most cases, you won’t have to go to court at all when you file a personal injury claim. So, there’s no need to let this worry stop you from pursuing compensation. A lawyer will be able to tell you what is or isn’t required for your claim, so be sure to consult with one before making a decision based on myths.

In many cases, it is difficult to know if a case will be settled or if it will go to court. What you want to make sure of is that the personal injury team you hire is a team of trial lawyers. At Tittle & Perlmuter, we are experienced personal injury trial lawyers. We know how to protect your case’s integrity to ensure whether we settle or go to court that you receive the compensation you need to receive the care and treatment you need to heal from your injury. Tittle & Perlmuter offers free consultations to evaluate your case.

Hiring an Attorney Is Expensive

After an injury, you may hesitate to pick up the phone and call a personal injury lawyer because you’re concerned about what it might cost. You can rest assured, however, because personal injury lawyers only get paid if you do. They work on what is called a contingency fee basis. These contingency fees essentially allow you to file with legal representation at no or little financial risk to you. Our team can further explain this to you and how the process works to give you peace of mind in moving forward with your personal injury claim. 

Personal Injury Claims Are Frivolous

If you’ve never filed a personal injury claim before, you may scoff at people who have. Many believe that such claims are a way to make quick money and that they hold no real merit. However, personal injuries can seriously change someone’s life. Serious or catastrophic injuries alter the course of a person’s life and impacts their ability to live life in the same way they once did. 

These injuries can hinder the ability to work, excercise or participate in hobbies as well as causing chronic pain or diminishing quality of life. The money earned in a claim can go a long way in getting the medical and emotional help you need. It also often assists in providing care that you will need ongoing. So, don’t hesitate to talk to a lawyer. It could be the best thing you do for yourself and your future.

Are you ready to contact a personal injury lawyer? Get in touch with Tittle Law Firm today. We have offices in:

Our team of personal injury attorneys are here to answer your questions and walk you through the process of getting help and healing. We are happy to meet at a location that is easiest for you. It’s our mission to ensure you get all the help and compensation you need in order to continue living life to its fullest after an injury.