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Brain Injury Rehab Facility Opening in Northeast Ohio

Promising New Brain Rehab Facility

Our Cleveland brain injury lawyers are dedicated to helping our clients far beyond simply prosecuting their lawsuit. In addition, our attorneys want to make sure our clients are also aware of the best healthcare treatment options available to them. To that end, a promising new brain injury rehab facility is opening within 20 minutes of our Cleveland office location.

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Brain Injury Rehabilitation Facility

Northeast Ohio is gaining a brain injury rehab facility next week. The new facility, opening in Independence on Monday, October 2, is a day treatment program for brain injury patients. Mentis Neuro Health is the organization behind the new “free-standing outpatient treatment facility.” This is Mentis’s third facility in Ohio. Another day program rehab facility recently opened in Cincinnati.
Mentis Neuro Health, is the largest provider of post-acute brain injury rehabilitation in Texas. According to their website, they are “industry experts in post-acute rehabilitation for people with acquired brain injuries (ABI).” The Chief Executive Officer, Jerome Mee, is an Ohio native. In a Business Wire news release he said, “My home state of Ohio welcomed Mentis several years ago when we opened our inpatient rehabilitation facility in Stow.”
According to Mentis, these facilities in Cleveland and Cincinnati will provide the ability to help treat 100 new patients over the next 12 months.

What is a Day Treatment Program?

The Outpatient Day Programs that Mentis offers in its Cleveland and Cincinnati locations, provides an opportunity for brain injury patients to partake in intensive rehabilitation practices during the day. At night, these patients return home. A great benefit of these programs are its non-clinical setting. The rehabilitation activities patients focus on include: “all tasks of daily living, working, and leisure activities.” The goal is for patients to become more independent and continue to take on responsibilities.

Brain injury patients often experience limitations as a direct result of their injury. These day programs also focus on therapy in order to teach them strategies to deal with these limitations. The types of therapies available are physical, occupational, speech, cognitive and psychological therapies.
The address of the Cleveland facility is 6111 Oak Tree Blvd., Suite 110, Independence, Ohio.

Brain Injury Attorneys

Traumatic Brain injuries (TBI) can dramatically impact and change your life. A brain injury resulting from an auto accident or medical malpractice could entitle that person to financial compensation. Contact our experienced brain injury attorneys at Tittle & Perlmuter. For a free case evaluation, call our office at (216) 242-1361.