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Winter Weather and Car Accidents: What to Do if You’ve Been Injured

Winter weather can be unpredictable and dangerous, especially when it comes to driving. Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures can make roads slick and visibility difficult. Unfortunately, this can lead to an increase in car accidents and injuries in Ohio, where we have a lot of winter weather. According to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, there were 18,347 crashes during winter weather in 2022 alone, with 215 resulting in serious injuries in their “Move Over” report.

If you have been injured in a winter weather car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, it is essential that you take the right steps to protect your health and your legal rights.

Seek Medical Attention

If you have been injured in a car accident, your health should be your top priority. Even if you feel fine immediately following the accident, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Delaying medical treatment could result in more serious health concerns down the road. Additionally, seeking medical attention creates a record of your injuries that can be used in your personal injury case.

Contact an Attorney

If you have been injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and other damages. Contacting an experienced personal injury attorney can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Your attorney can guide you through every step of the process, from negotiating with insurance companies to filing a lawsuit if necessary. At Tittle & Perlmuter, we are personal injury trial lawyers, so we can handle your case from beginning to end, even if we need to go to trial. Some attorneys only handle these cases if they can settle them. We are able to offer continuity to your case and see it all the way through.

Document the Winter Weather Car Accident

Documentation is key when it comes to pursuing a personal injury claim. Be sure to take photos of the accident scene, obtain contact information from any witnesses, and keep copies of all medical bills related to your injuries. If possible, obtain a copy of the police report as well. All of this documentation can help support your case and increase your chances of receiving fair compensation.

Follow Your Doctor's Orders

If you have been injured in a car accident, your doctor will likely provide you with specific instructions for recovery. It is important that you follow these instructions closely. Failing to do so could result in a longer recovery time or even worsen your injury. Additionally, following your doctor’s orders can help support your case and demonstrate that you are taking your recovery seriously.

Be Patient

Finally, it is important to be patient throughout the process. Personal injury cases can take time, and it may be several months or even years before you receive a settlement or judgment. However, with the help of a skilled personal injury attorney, you can ensure that your legal rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

If Injured in Winter Weather Car Accident

Winter weather can be treacherous, especially when it comes to driving. If you have been injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, it is important to take the right steps to protect your health and your legal rights.

Seeking medical attention, contacting a car accident attorney, documenting the accident, following your doctor’s orders, and being patient can all help you secure the compensation you deserve. By taking these steps, you can move forward from your accident with confidence and peace of mind. 

Tittle & Perlmuter is here to assist you in the process. Call us today to schedule your FREE Strategy Session.