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Anesthesia Malpractice Lawyers

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When you go in for an operation in the hospital, it’s normal to worry about potential surgical complications. However, it’s also important to be aware doctors can be careless, choosing to not follow the rules that others follow when using anesthesia during the procedure. In fact, in 2016, three percent of payment amounts awarded for malpractice allegations were due to anesthesia issues. In Ohio, insurance companies representing hospitals and doctors paid approximately a total of $2.4 – 3 million for anesthesia error cases in 2016. All of these payouts could have been prevented if the physician simply followed the rules other doctors must follow.

Imagine this: you go in for a routine procedure, but there’s a problem with the anesthesia administered or the anesthesiologist. You make it through the operation but with an irreversible complication. Who is liable? What is considered an error? Can you file a lawsuit? Experienced anesthesia malpractice lawyers can help you through the chaos that comes with an unplanned error. Before you file a lawsuit against a health care professional, an experienced surgical errors attorney can help.

Representing Victims of Anesthesia Negligence

Anesthesia is common in surgical procedures today. When a patient undergoes surgery, they are usually “put under.” Anesthesia is used to relax a patient, block their pain, make them sleepy and forgetful, or ensure the patient is unconscious during surgery. In some cases, it may only put the patient into a semi-conscious state. Drugs, medications, and/or gasses are all effective. There are three types of anesthesia:

An anesthesiologist is responsible for administering the drug. They are also in charge of keeping the patient sedated during surgery. In addition, they will monitor vital signs and ensure everything is going smoothly. However, things don’t always work as intended. All too often, a patient faces injuries due to improper delivery of anesthesia. When the anesthesiologist fails to follow the safety rules in place and causes an injury or death, an individual should retain an anesthesia malpractice attorney.

Common Injuries Caused by an Anesthesiologist

Anesthesia typically is a safe way to block pain during surgery or other medical operations. However, while generally safe, having anesthesia administered poses the risk of the doctor committing an error. Errors happen when an anesthesiologist or a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) fails to follow the rules that are known in their profession and are expected to be followed to protect their patients. Common examples injuries include, but are not limited to:

If you or a loved one experienced one or many of these complications, it may be because there was an anesthesia error during the procedure. A lawyer can help with any of these anesthesia negligence cases.

What are Common Reasons Patients Have Complications?

Common anesthesia errors that happen are:

There are many normal side effects people may experience after being exposed to anesthesia. The most common effects it has on the body include vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, sore throat, shivering, fatigue, or a hoarse throat.

Waking Up During Surgery

Occasionally, when a person undergoes anesthesia they will make up in the middle of their procedure. This may happen if an anesthesiologist uses too little on a patient. Many times, a patient won’t remember this experience, but there are cases when someone will wake up, feel paralyzed, and will not be able to speak to let the medical professional know that they are awake. Unfortunately, this could mean they are aware and even feel pain from surgery, which could result in post-traumatic stress. However, experiencing awareness does not mean you have a malpractice case.

In order for a lawyer to take your case, you must have experienced a permanent or life-changing injury due to an error or malpractice made by the anesthesiologist. If you experience anesthesia awareness, along with a catastrophic injury, then you would have a case to take on. Our law firm does not represent anesthesiologists. We only represent the victims of negligence.

How Do I File a Lawsuit Against an Anesthesiologist?

An experienced local attorney must review your case. It is essential that they are able to show negligence on behalf of the medical professional. For this reason, it’s important to talk with an attorney familiar with negligence in Cleveland quickly after the anesthesia injury occurs. It will help with the investigative process and make it more likely that you file the suit on time.

If you are the victim of such a case, you are likely entitled to compensation for the following:

In order to have a case, you must prove that the anesthesiologist was negligent and failed to provide the degree of care and skill that the average anesthesiologist typically would in that situation.

Common Anesthesiologist Malpractice Cases

Anesthesiologists are legally and ethically required to properly administer the anesthesia and monitor a patient throughout the duration of their procedure while they’re under. Many errors fall under the list of negligence. This form of malpractice usually results from the anesthesiologist’s choice to be careless of choice to not keep up with the latest medical advancements.

Errors in Medication Administration

A young girl is in for the removal of her wisdom teeth and is given general anesthesia. The anesthesiologist administers it improperly and then fails to monitor her breathing, which, in turn, causes a lack of oxygen to the brain for too long. She makes it through the operation but has permanent brain damage.

The amount of anesthesia patients need is not a one size fits all deal; it varies widely from person to person. The amount depends on age, gender, weight, and height. An anesthesiologist monitors neurological signs and brain waves to know when they’ve given the correct dosage. Medication mistakes are avoidable. When an anesthesiologist administers too much (causing an overdose) or the wrong form, it may be a form of malpractice.

Anesthesiologist Doesn’t Properly Review the Patient’s Medical Record

A man goes into the hospital for minor surgery and anesthesia is administered. The anesthesiologist fails to look at the man’s allergy history and misses that the man has a known allergy to the anesthesia used in the procedure. During the procedure, the man has an allergic reaction, goes into anaphylactic shock, and dies.

An anesthesiologist must look at a patient’s medical history before deciding the anesthesia form and dosage. It is their job to recognize allergies or any other pre-existing conditions that may cause harmful risks when anesthesia is administered. These conditions include but are not limited to:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know whether I have a case?

Most Ohio compensation claims are based on negligence. That’s a legal term that means acting carelessly in a way that puts others at risk. Even if it was an accident, you may have a strong case. Ask us for a personalized case review.

How much time do I have to file a lawsuit?

Generally, if you are bringing a car accident or other type of general personal injury case, you have two years to bring a lawsuit. However, in medical malpractice or nursing home neglect cases, generally, the statute of limitations is only one year. Always contact a lawyer as soon as possible if you have been injured.

How will my lawyer determine the value of my case?

Each case value is determined individually. To determine the value of the case, your lawyer looks at several factors. They evaluate your financial losses and severity of injury. They factor in the strength of the legal claim and ways to collect your compensation.

What steps should I take immediately after an injury to protect my rights?

To protect your rights after an injury, seek medical attention. Follow healthcare guidance. Keep records of medical care received, and ways that your injuries have impacted you. Don’t discard or alter tangible items that may be relevant, like torn clothing or broken objects. Involve a lawyer as soon as possible.

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