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Ohio Side Impact Accidents & Common Injuries

Learn about Ohio side impact accidents and the most common injuries they result in.

What Are Side-Impact Accidents?

Also known as T-Bone accidents side impact incidents often happen at intersections. These are known as T-bone accidents because one car hits another side which creates the T shape. Typical causes involve a mistake on the part of the at-fault driver such as running a stop sign or red light, distracted driving, or being under the influence of narcotics or alcohol. 

Ohio Side Impact Accidents & Common Injuries

Proving Fault In Your Side-Impact Collision Case

Being able to prove fault in side impact collision cases is crucial to their success. This is because a side impact collision is usually caused by the negligent behaviour of the at-fault motorist.

Proving fault can be tricky though as several factors need to be considered including that the driver had a responsibility to take a specific action, that they failed to take this action, that this violation caused a collision and injured you, and that you suffered harm because of the accident. 

Additionally the statute of limitations is two years in Ohio for car accident claims, so action needs to be taken as soon as possible to begin proceedings against the person that is at-fault.

The good news is that working with Ohio car accident lawyers experienced in this area can help you navigate this process, and maximise the chances of success in your case.

Common Injuries Resulting From Ohio Side Impact Accidents

Now you know a bit more about what side impact accidents are, we can turn to the injuries that they commonly cause. The bad news is that side-impact accidents are often responsible for some of the most serious injuries, which can be life-changing for those experiencing them. That is why it’s so important to find an attorney who specialises in this area to work with on your claim.

Indeed, Ohio car accident lawyers experienced in side impact accident claims will make the entire process of making a claim easier and less complicated because they not only understand the legal aspects involved but also the profound impact can have on those who experience them. Additionally, working with good Ohio car accident lawyers will increase your chances of winning your case and receiving the full amount of compensation you are entitled to.

Brain and Head Injuries

Side impact accidents can also cause head and brain injuries. The first type of tramutic brain injury that a person in a side impact accident may experince is a concussion. A concussion is caused when the brain is moved rapidly either back and forwards or when it hits the side of the skull.  Concussions are geneally seen as a mild injury but they can still result in symptons that impact nomal functioning for months.

Traumatic brain injuries may also cause significant cognative issues including problems with memory, speech, organization, and completing  tasks that were not there before the accident. Additiobally, tramuatic brain injuries may result in an intensification of emotional and mood difficulties in people that are already struggling with them.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Another type of injury that is common with Ohio side impact accidents is damage to the spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries can be very serious and result in permanent damage such as paraplegia (where the lower body is paralysed) and quadriplegia (where all four limbs are injured).

Whether they are permanent or not spinal cord injuries can have a severe impact on the lives of those that experience them. Indeed, basic self-care tasks such as bathing, feeding oneself and dressing are often impossible without the aid of another.

Neck and Back Injuries

Neck and back injuries including herniated discs, fractures, and compressed nerves are unfortunately a common result of side impact accidents. One of the trickier issues with these types of injuries is that the severity of the trauma may not always be visible immediately after the accident.

Facial Injuries

Sadly, facial injury such as broken jaws, noses, and cheeckbones, can also be common in T-bone accidents. This is because during an accident those in the vechiles involved may experience the force of hitting the dash board, an air bag being set off, and even windows breaking.  Many facial injuries lead to facial disfigurment that is permanent that can seriously impact a persons life and wellbeing.

Internal Bleeding

Typically interna bleeding caused by T-bone accidents is considered serious and will require immediate medical attention, if not surgery. Unfortuatly, internal bleeding injuries are fialry common in these types of accidents becuase they can be caused by both penetrating trauman and blunt trauma.

Another issue that complicated internal bleeding injuries is that it may not immediatly be visable to the patient or those treating them. That is why its crucial that anyone involved in an accident go to hostpital and be subjected to the diagnostic that will pick this type of injury up.

Broken Bones or Fractures

In Ohio side impact accidents often cause injuries such as fracture or broken bones including broken arms, broken legs, broken ribs and broken collar bones. Fractures can be incredibly painful at the time they occur and then after both during the healing process, and even once they have healed due to arthritis in the effected area.

Whiplash Injuries

Last of all, whiplash injuries can also be common in all types of vehicle accidents including side impact crashes.  Whiplash is an injury to the neck that is caused when its moved back and forth quickly in an accident. It tears and streches the muscles in the neck and can lead to a range of health issues from partial disability, to chronic pain, and even degenerative disk disease.

Turn 2 Tittle & Perlmuter | (216) 222-2222

If you or someone you love has had the misfortune to be injured in a side impact accident in Ohio, we can help you get the justice and compensation you are entitled to.

Call our empathetic and dedicate team today on (216) 222-2222 to schedule a free consultation and discuss your case, today.