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Tittle & Perlmuter Personal Injury Attorneys

Sandusky Medical Malpractice Lawyer

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Helping Those Injured In Ohio
$8.3 MIL
Medical Malpractice Case
$6.19 MIL
Medical Malpractice Case
$2.5 MIL
Consumer Protection
$1.35 MIL
Premises Liability Case

Medical mistakes and omissions are leading causes of injury and death. Each year, thousands of people in Ohio are seriously injured because their medical team did not follow the correct standard of care. As a result, our clients often require more expensive care and struggle with unnecessary pain. Some need at-home help to bravely overcome their bodily limitations. In tragic situations, medical errors can even lead to death.

Contact Tittle & Perlmuter today to speak with a Sandusky medical malpractice lawyer at our firm.

In a free consultation, we’ll discuss what care you received and whether you have a strong legal case. We have developed deep experience in this area of law, and we are happy to offer our services to clients without any upfront legal fees. You only pay if we win your case!

Hurt Receiving Care? Our Ohio Malpractice Attorneys Can Help!

Tittle & Perlmuter can assist with the most common medical malpractice cases:

  • Diagnostic errors—your doctor could have failed to make a timely and correct diagnosis, or possibly made an incorrect diagnosis. Consequently, your condition fails to improve.
  • Treatment errors—your doctor could order the wrong treatment or fail to give treatment carefully.
  • Incision errors—surgeons can damage healthy nerves and tissue when they make negligent incisions. You might be left with constant pain.
  • Surgical mistakes—a surgeon can perform the wrong surgery, leave implements behind, or fail to stop bleeding before sewing you up.
  • Infections—hospitals and other care facilities are usually teeming with infections, some of which are resistant to common antibiotics. You might sue if your provider failed to properly sterilize equipment or respond appropriately to the infection.
  • Medication errors—a nurse could dispense the wrong medication, or you might receive a prescription that isn’t right for you.
  • Anesthesia errors—mistakes with anesthesia can lead to increased pain and potentially result in cognitive decline. Some people wake up in the middle of surgery, which is a terrifying experience.
  • Early discharge from the hospital—you might be released too early because the hospital wants to free up a bed. Alternatively, your team might fail to provide proper instructions for at-home care when released.

Call us to talk about your case. Our Sandusky medical malpractice lawyer can investigate to find out what happened to you and whether you have a solid legal case.

What Must You Prove in a Malpractice Case?

Medical malpractice is a type of negligence. Professionals should meet the standard of care when agreeing to treat patients. We have brought malpractice claims against all types of medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, dentists, hospitals, radiologists, and nursing homes.

To be successful, we need to reconstruct what care you received. We also work with experts to determine what a careful and prudent doctor would have done in a similar situation. When your medical team fails to meet this standard, we can usually sue for your damages.

Medical errors cause many problems for our clients and their families. You probably need corrective care, which can be expensive. For example, if a surgeon fails to stop bleeding, you could need emergency surgery so that you don’t suffer a heart attack or stroke.

Medical malpractice impairs a person’s well-being. You can suffer unnecessary pain, depression, anxiety, or mental distress. We can seek compensation for all intangible losses, even those that aren’t economic in nature. Let our malpractice lawyers in Ohio determine how much will be fair in a settlement.

You could also suffer other economic losses, like lost income. Recovering from medical errors is grueling. You might not be able to work for months.

Our Sandusky Medical Malpractice Lawyers Meet All Critical Deadlines!

If you were injured by malpractice, we can seek a settlement from the defendant. However, you want to call us as soon as possible. There are important deadlines that affect your case.

For example, the statute of limitations for medical malpractice is only one year. (Ohio Revised Code § 2305.113.) That is a very short deadline, especially for someone who might not leave their home for months. If you wait too long to file a lawsuit, then the defendant will ask a judge to toss your case—and most of them will happily comply. However, this deadline is dependent on a few factors such as when you reasonably suspected you might have had a malpractice suit.

Missing a deadline can also impact ongoing settlement negotiations. An insurer might not offer any settlement if they know you can’t sue.

Or they will offer much less because they know you have few options. Retaining the right to go to court gives you leverage in negotiations for a settlement.

Contact our firm quickly. Our Ohio malpractice attorneys can request helpful evidence to use in your case. We can also file a lawsuit in court to protect your rights if you are coming close to bumping up against the one-year deadline.

Compensation for Your Injuries

In the typical malpractice case, a doctor or hospital’s insurance company is on the other side.

Medical professionals should have malpractice insurance (also called liability insurance). This policy pays out a settlement to anyone injured.

Our Ohio malpractice attorneys have sought financial compensation for:

  • Cost of corrective treatment;
  • Rehabilitation and other medical treatments;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Emotional distress;
  • Lost wages or income;
  • Wrongful death damages.

How much will you receive? It all depends on your case. Some of our clients have received millions of dollars, while others can request less. Let us review all of the facts, including your future medical needs.

Comparative negligence can sometimes come into play with a malpractice case. For example, you might have failed to notify your doctor or pharmacist of allergies or other medications you were taking. This kind of negligence can reduce the compensation you end up receiving.

Speak with Our Malpractice Lawyers in Ohio

There is no excuse for medical malpractice. Doctors, nurses, and other professionals receive years of training so they can provide competent, high-quality care. The public puts their trust in the hands of these professionals. When they fall short of their duties, innocent people are injured and some lose their lives. Contact Tittle & Perlmuter today to talk about your case.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know whether I have a case?

Most Ohio compensation claims are based on negligence. That’s a legal term that means acting carelessly in a way that puts others at risk. Even if it was an accident, you may have a strong case. Ask us for a personalized case review.

How much time do I have to file a lawsuit?

Generally, if you are bringing a car accident or other type of general personal injury case, you have two years to bring a lawsuit. However, in medical malpractice or nursing home neglect cases, generally, the statute of limitations is only one year. Always contact a lawyer as soon as possible if you have been injured.

How will my lawyer determine the value of my case?

Each case value is determined individually. To determine the value of the case, your lawyer looks at several factors. They evaluate your financial losses and severity of injury. They factor in the strength of the legal claim and ways to collect your compensation.

What steps should I take immediately after an injury to protect my rights?

To protect your rights after an injury, seek medical attention. Follow healthcare guidance. Keep records of medical care received, and ways that your injuries have impacted you. Don’t discard or alter tangible items that may be relevant, like torn clothing or broken objects. Involve a lawyer as soon as possible.

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