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Tittle & Perlmuter Personal Injury Attorneys

Sandusky Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

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Spinal cord injuries can be life-altering. A spinal cord injury requires your full attention to treat and live with, which can take focus away from a potential lawsuit. If you or a loved one suffered a spinal cord injury as a result of negligence, medical malpractice, violence, or other circumstances out of your control, you have legal options at your disposal. Get in touch with a skilled catastrophic injury lawyer to find out about regaining control of your finances and your well-being.


The Effects of a Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury involves damage to the spinal cord resulting from trauma or disease and can lead to pain, malfunctioning of bodily organs, and a loss of sensation and mobility in parts of the body below the place of injury. The injuries may be characterized as complete or incomplete, depending on the degree of signal disruption between the brain and the rest of the body. An injury to the central region of the spinal cord may cause immobility of the arms and legs (quadriplegia), and an injury to the lower spinal cord may cause immobility of the legs only (paraplegia).


Common Causes of Spinal Trauma

Accidents occur everyday and many different situations can cause a spinal injury. The most common causes of a spinal injury occur due to:

  • Motorcycle or automobile accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Medical errors
  • Sports and recreational activities
  • Acts of violence

Additionally, many spinal injuries occur due to occupational hazards. Someone in Sandusky who suspects that their activities at work contributed to such an injury could gain more information about compensation for damages they might receive, and how to file the proper claim, by contacting a spinal cord injury attorney.


Restrictions on Liability

Ohio law imposes various limitations on the liability of certain parties for injury. For example, the owner of real property may not be found liable for death, injury, or loss to a trespasser after using reasonable force to prevent entry. Similarly, someone working in the firearms industry may not be found liable for an injury involving a firearm.

Under Ohio Revised Statutes §2305.10, injured individuals must abide by the statute of limitations. Those who have been injured due to the actions of others must file a claim within two years after the injury occurs. If the claim is not filed within the designated deadline, they may be ineligible to recover compensation for damages regardless of the severity of the injuries.


Contact a Sandusky Spinal Cord Injury Attorney Today

Many lawsuits arising from bodily injury must prove that an accident resulted from negligence. The components of a negligence claim include duty, breach, causation, and damages. A plaintiff must show they were owed a duty of care, the duty was breached, the breach caused the plaintiff’s injury, and the plaintiff sustained actual harm or injury.

If you received a spinal cord injury that was not entirely your fault, you should speak with an attorney about the causes of your injury and the losses you have suffered. Reach out to a Sandusky spinal cord injury lawyer at Tittle & Perlmuter to see what they can do to help you make a financial recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know whether I have a case?

Most Ohio compensation claims are based on negligence. That’s a legal term that means acting carelessly in a way that puts others at risk. Even if it was an accident, you may have a strong case. Ask us for a personalized case review.

How much time do I have to file a lawsuit?

Generally, if you are bringing a car accident or other type of general personal injury case, you have two years to bring a lawsuit. However, in medical malpractice or nursing home neglect cases, generally, the statute of limitations is only one year. Always contact a lawyer as soon as possible if you have been injured.

How will my lawyer determine the value of my case?

Each case value is determined individually. To determine the value of the case, your lawyer looks at several factors. They evaluate your financial losses and severity of injury. They factor in the strength of the legal claim and ways to collect your compensation.

What steps should I take immediately after an injury to protect my rights?

To protect your rights after an injury, seek medical attention. Follow healthcare guidance. Keep records of medical care received, and ways that your injuries have impacted you. Don’t discard or alter tangible items that may be relevant, like torn clothing or broken objects. Involve a lawyer as soon as possible.

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